Thursday, March 3, 2011

What To Put On After A Brazilian Wax

Bustabrain 2 walkthrough

A logic game pretty cool, good fun ..

Play / games

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is Safe

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Pokemon Leaf Green Surfing Pikachu

Znemspot - Dino

Game differences ...
differences nice game ..

Play / games

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pink/purple Wrestling Shoes

Freedom of choice or freedom of choice

Jackson Pollock © 1952

Jean-Luc Delarue has begun his tour of France by the good word: "Do not drink! Do not do drugs! I know what it is! . Beyond the somewhat people and exasperating to the process, the guy was still right. And if sharing its experience can not encourage it was only two or three young people not to fall into the ravages of alcohol and drugs, he will have succeeded!

Among these evils, alcohol - as a legal drug and socially correct - is perhaps the most insidious. Its ravages are catastrophic In France, alcohol causes 23,000 deaths annually from cancer, cirrhosis or alcohol dependence. But besides these deaths are directly attributable to it, it acts as a factor involved in 45,000 deaths.

The tragedy is that alcohol is seen as a noble pleasure. The wine is elevated to a bulwark of a certain lifestyle in the process of getting lost! Family values, a symbol of masculinity, family heritage, transmitted from father to son ... mingle and cause attachment of identity, which represents a major obstacle to prevention messages and taking into account the dangers of excessive consumption.

Difficult to know what a "binge." I do not know if that was the mine could be so characterized. Still, it weighed on me ... and it also weighed my body through different symptoms. Nothing dramatic, but I decided to listen to them. A month ago, being home alone, I opened the finest bottle I found. I drank a little more than half. I finished the evening with a good cognac, my favorite alcohol. Then I went to bed knowing that it was over.

Since then not a drop. This is actually not the first time that I stop. There are about ten years, I started an abstinence that lasted 8 years. Then I discovered the pleasures of the throat for two years. I'm back out for a lease.

course, a small glass of wine never hurt anyone. Instead, it would seem even beneficial. Provided they remain "a" and "small"! That is my problem: I have difficulty meeting these criteria! So I prefer to be more severe and less for one another: glasses of alcohol that I allow myself now can have any size imaginable or not, but I do not authorize! It is a rule easier!

is a personal choice. I will not impose one. I feel good. Both in my head than my body. And it allows me rechanter, clear mind, Blues vices ...

Before listening to "The Blues vices", stop the drive to the right (if it works ).

Blues vices

Oh this cigarette, after naps
When the stomach is well fed
There's no denying it's really heavenly
The smoke exposes you
The feeling among the lungs
Who enters the depths of your being
is the pleasure of feeling Through this suffering
butt, ah bastard!

But I have my old tobacco plated
abandoned Abandoned
I want neither God nor master
Especially not subject myself
I took the liberty to stop smoking
not to let me destroy small fire
No longer pollute the ladies and gentlemen
I live without tobacco is just fine
I am free to live without fuel

Oh that glass of alcohol that makes you laugh
Around a meal with his friends
You let go without any protocol
Without control of our mind
This feeling of being escape
Of all those evils that inhabit our brains
is pleased to feel alive With
this glass of wine, but it is quite vain

But I have my old alcohol plated
abandoned Abandoned
I want neither God nor master
Especially not subject myself
I took the liberty not to get drunk
To keep control of my fantasies
To be the master of my enthusiasm
I live without alcohol without it saddens me
I am free to live without being drunk

Oh this enchanting caress
The body of a woman is a paradise
That can discover whether or But that feat without ever

This expands our sense of communion
beyond ourselves when we kiss
is the pleasure of feeling from
Towards the little death in the melee

And you my wife j't'ai not plated Ni
neglected or abandoned
I want neither God nor Master
Especially not subject myself
But I take the liberty to always love you From
remain faithful against all odds
To believe in you in me and we
I live with you and it's my choice
I am free to live as free
free love free you free
Above free to let me love

François-Marie GERARD - FMG © 2004

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cause Of Broken Capillaries In Breast

When a teacher becomes student ...

Recently, I hosted a management training project in two days for economics teachers of vocational education, from different schools. The second morning, what was my surprise to learn that six teachers - half the group - had asked their manager not to attend the training which does not meet what they wanted. They had obtained the support of their leadership ...

Admittedly there was a problem regarding the objectives of this training. Those who had been reported as a trainer were not those on which teachers had registered, this training is more for the most part a "third choice".

So there was a real problem, but - even though I had tried throughout the first day to request teachers to stick to their reality - at any moment the teachers concerned have expressed so explicit what would cause them to abandon. If they did, we would of course analyze the situation together to find solutions, as we have done elsewhere with other participants after learning this renunciation.

It is still very challenging. Assume for a moment and as a simple assumption that some students of these teachers feel that the courses they provide their answers do not quite what they want. Let these students go speak with the management of the institution by asking to be able to stop attending courses in economics. Suppose management believes this request quite justified and therefore decided to exempt those students from the obligation to form in this branch. What would the reaction of teachers? They would accept for one second that attitude, both from the students that direction?

Telling my mishap to one of my colleagues who had given the same training in the same context (and therefore with the same problem with the statement of objectives), she told me that he had a similar experience, except that dissatisfied teachers gathered at a table with his back to the trainer, reading, talking or typing the card ...! Teachers who continued to follow the training, it interesting, they had asked to have at least have the decency to leave. But they remained clearly showing their contempt. Again, I can not imagine for one second what would be the reaction of these protesters if their teachers allowed students to do the same thing as them!

My job brought me to train adults in many contexts (private companies, government departments, parastatals, education ...) and around the world. This broad experience has led me to believe that the public most difficult training consists of Western teachers. My latest experience has only strengthened this perception.

Far be it from me to generalize. Former teacher myself, I can testify that there are many teachers who take a very positive attitude in training, trying to enjoy it, even if it does not always correspond exactly what they want.

Still, when I hear these same teachers complain about the conditions under which they must work, related including the motivation of students and their negative attitudes, I can only wonder if these teachers are not just students that they deserve.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wart Like Bumps On Stomache

Water pure pedaling

The water issue is certainly a major factor in understanding the 21st century! There are too few in the world, then this is the first necessity. Of course, there are more and more devastating floods. They bring water, but totally unfit for consumption. Instead, drinking water supplies are polluted by fundamentally Aquatic these outbursts.

In this context, the production by a Japanese factory bike can purify water easily and efficiently is a great news . Yuichi Katsuura, president of Nippon Basic, the creator of the bicycle, said: "You pedal up a river, pond or other water source, and your legs are enough to produce drinking water." By pedaling his Cycloclean , the user can not only pump water, but also to pass through three filters, making it immediately usable. The bike costs

quite expensive (4 850 EUR!) and has currently been sold in Japan. The stated goal now is to offer the product in Bangladesh but also in Burma, Cambodia, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. I think it should interest many other countries around the world, provided that the sale price could decline.

For completeness, we must add that the Americans have created a prototype of the same kind, the Aquaduct , but with a much more pronounced side gadget.

These inventions are part of course from a business perspective. It Unfortunately the universe in which we live: good ideas are realized only when there are profits to be gained. Nevertheless, these bikes can offer a real solution to millions of people for whom water is a commodity as rare as it is indispensable, it all just pedaling! And that's great!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diving Bell Butterfly Streaming


It is long known that politicians are masters of doublespeak. A striking example is still given today with Iran: congratulated the Egyptian people for taking their autonomy Mubarak and clear, imp of Satan, they rush to fiercely punish those who merely imitate the Egyptians welcomed!

Another example - the more complex and less bloody fortunately - is given to us in the negotiations for the formation of a government in Belgium. This is particularly the CD & V practice style, about the issue in Brussels. One of the points that pose difficulties, strongly echoed in recent days by heavyweights Flemish very well explained by Coorebyter Vincent, is that in case of a new division of powers community, such as family allowances or health care, francophones and some Flemish parties (Groen and SP.A) would like these powers are attributed to the Brussels-Capital Region, while the CD & V (and to a lesser measure the N-VA) requires that they be governed in part by the Flemish Community and the other by the French Community of Belgium, so as not to "separate" the Flemish people.

The logic put forward is that of "community", defined on a linguistic basis, and that leads to skills related mainly to language and culture, including education.

However, when discussing the issue of Francophones living in Flanders, either in any county, but particularly in the communes of the Brussels periphery, so-called "facilities", the speech changes. There is indeed no question of the Flemish - and they are probably all agree on this point - consider that these belong to the Francophone Community of Belgium French because of their language and their culture, or even the Region bilingual Brussels-Capital. In this case, the linguistic dimension is totally erased: they live on Flemish territory (the latter being managed by the Flemish Region), they are considered as "Flemish" and must comply with what the Flemish government decide for them.

Doublespeak thus: when the logic community, which is advantageous for the Flemish, only it must be taken into account, whereas when the regional approach is necessary, only the latter shall prevail . Obviously, the paradoxical side of this doubletalk totally escapes the charge of the CD & V. There is no reason to believe they could change their speech. We're not near a solution, even if it will eventually exist. I would add that the solution "split" Plan B is not one since the dual language would further exacerbated in this case!

So, exceptionally, use a third language: "Wait and see! (Although the wait begins to be long ... we really wanted to see now!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

People With Autism Get Driver License

95 million FMG! Place

FMG © 2011

Over 95 million FMG! I thought that I single sheet that quite a blow to my ego!

However, the Malagasy franc - a legacy of French colonialism - No longer officially exists since 2003. He was replaced by former Malagasy currency, the Ariary, which is the fifth of the Malagasy franc. Thus, 95 million FMG, it never does that 19 million of AGI, or - as of today - 6 940.12 euros. A pot of EUR 7 000, it is obviously much less than 95 million FMG, and it continues to relativize my ego! For the Malagasy

certainly is appreciated! Whoever wins that amount would be enough to see it coming for some time without either a certain time! That is why they prefer imagine that 95 million 19 million! The FMG is still very much alive, especially in cities ...

The first time I came to Madagascar was in 2004, shortly after the official reintroduction MGA. Not knowing what the payment options, I changed a few euros on my arrival at the airport, about two o'clock in the morning. A little sleepy or stressed, I had not done too much attention to what the officer gave me, assuming power to trust him. But I heard a big number ...

Arrived at the hotel, I look at the package of tickets and receipts, there, my blood freezes! There was much less than the number that had been said! Just arrived in this country still unknown, I was already scammed! I recounted several times, each time reaching the same conclusion! Until, of course, I noticed the inscription "ARIARY 5000" and in small print "25 000 FRANCS. I realized my mistake and unnecessary suspicion was being born in me vis-à-vis the Malagasy people. Once again, my ego was - at least - five times too much!

How To Make A Corker Hairbow

citizens Dirt

They did it! He eventually resigned. A dictator in less than one month after the previous one! Who's next? There are still some to remove. Tunisians and Egyptians showed how it was done: apparently, just wanting to, to proclaim ... and especially - as many have said - do not be afraid!

It is too early to make a fine political analysis. Only the future can tell what the impact of these popular movements. But things will never be as before. At least if these people manage to avoid being robbed of their revolution.

Egypt is at the heart of the Middle East, an area whose fragility is extreme, like the extremists who feed on thoughts of many leaders who imagine work for the welfare of their people and indeed the world. The challenge is immense: to achieve what the forced departure of dictators is a source of peace, not hatred exacerbated tensions further.

Everyone today feels a little Egyptian. We are all citizens. Global citizens. Who would have thought, moreover, even a year ago, a network such as Facebook, with all its flaws and all its limitations, could become a central tool of citizen revolt?

There is an unavoidable. These are a few more activists who lead a revolution. A whole people, in constant contact through communication technologies. And this people is himself no longer alone: it is related to the world, with all those - they are many - who, throughout the world are full of freedom! The dictators of all stripes have reason to worry, because there is actually no reason that the motion stops.

Do not dream of course. They will not all disappear like that as if we were playing bowling! Nevertheless, up to the citizens!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Wrap Christmas Gift Elegant


FMG © 2011

Normally, the rainy season! Yet he can not stop having a sun glare, bright, wry, proud to despair ... It is the season!

During that time, crops are not preparing for what they should be. The rice grains are small. The shoots are not as green as they should be fed. In a country struggling with a political crisis as vain and useless, it was necessary that! If only it could rain.

But here too, things are not what they were. Instead of a black sky, only a blue sky shows through. Course with a few clouds here and there, but that's usual.

Obviously, there is an advantage. Who says "no rain" also says "no hurricane." Areas who fear them and their devastating effects must bless the sky to be as forgiving this time. I confess, it is a weighty argument.

Still, just now, having reached my hotel after a day of work, I went to relax a little swim in the pool. You will not believe me, but with the sun at the top of his form, I had to - both lengths - to close my eyes when my head out of the water, I was so blinded by the light infamous ! Admit it, it's enough bitching. Really, just fout l'camp!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Does Doubling Up On Birth Control Stop Periods


FMG © 2011

A butcher stall, as there are so many in Madagascar. The meat hangs in the air. Not so free it from elsewhere: it is along the streets where pollution room reigns supreme. The cold chain is not known. How long is the meat well in temperatures between 20 ° C and 30 ° C?

Yet that most Malagasy people buy their meat. This is not the center of their diet: rice is not about to be dethroned! And when the meat is always cooked well and hope that all bacteria are destroyed as well.

Still, I hope I eat meat here comes from more sophisticated butcher ... Just a hope, certainly not a certainty. It does Moreover, not people continue to live. Of course, life expectancy is shorter than us, but it's not just because of the meat!

is sometimes also for narrow political reasons. There are just two years, February 7, 2009, a few hundred meters from where I am, there was a terrible slaughter. On Saturday, red. 28 dead, killed by the fires of the presidential guard. All the light is not made on these events, both those that preceded - including the "Black Monday" - and those that followed. Since then, stagnant situation ... It is the "Transition", probably much longer.

All for what? For not much. What's more horrible than dying in the streets, abandoned like an ordinary piece of meat?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Memorial At Wedding Wording

Shame criticizers

Approximately 30 000 people are protesting in Brussels to protest the lack of new Belgian federal government. I am not, for various reasons that concern me. Although not entirely agree with the objectives of this event, I am however amazed by the negative reactions it provokes! It is well

agree that this event is not a magic wand that will give us a government. We fully agree that what matters most is that this potential government wish to implement as policy in respect of all and sundry. It is agreed that the situation is complex and it is normal - in the Belgian institutional framework - that all these discussions and negotiations take time. How

however the so-called Democrats who express their resentment can they justify their opposition to a popular movement, an expression of ras-le-bol of a share of the population? One may not agree with the objectives, even with the process. But can we apply to the extent that some 30,000 people are stupid, incompetent, ignorant, meaningless politics?

The most surprising (though) is that the majority of those cranky critics who practice systematic bit argumentative and sometimes abusive, propose nothing else! It's reasonable to ask which side is the emptiness!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Where To Get Hexamine

Language is the mother, not daughter, thought

"Language is the mother, not daughter, of thought." So said Karl Kraus , Polemicist Austrian early twentieth century. Without doubt, did he mean something else than what this post claims. This paradox does the thinking that more interesting. I do not really remember how, recently, we came to wonder if the thought existed before language. In other words, can we think outside of language? The discussion

is apparently a philosophical and a there is already stuck with (I love this Agreement paradoxically singular with "many," as he is with the plural " less than two!) . It can be shown that what characterizes the human mind (consciousness, thought, imagination, manipulation abstractions) depends fundamentally on language acquisition. There is thus no conscious thought outside of language. However, there is no denying that words do not always allow to formalize the thinking and that we sometimes think without being able to translate such feelings into words. Ultimately, philosophers agree to think and express the thought that if, in its entirety exceeds well the language, conscious thought, in turn, exists only through language.

Beyond the philosophical question, there are many certain physiological or neuropsychological dimension. Several studies were conducted, particularly with aphasia who lost the language, without losing the thought, which postulates the existence of nonverbal thinking. Ultimately (I'm not trying to reach here) , it seems that all thought relates in one way or another to a language.

A recent study in this respect seems rather subjugating (See Le Soir, January 21, 2011, p. 31). Maude Beauchemin and Maryse Lassonde (Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Montreal) about 126 electrodes placed on the heads of newborns (is that the torture of children?) to analyze the reactions of the brain deal with different words, including those of the mother. The study shows that a newborn immediately interprets the voice of his mother as a draft communication processed by the left hemisphere of the brain, whereas the same word spoken by another person is treated first by the right hemisphere, then left, then right again.

When these babies hear the voice of their mother, information Not only is treated as a draft language, but also creates an initial response: the central part of the cortex, motor area of the floor, also ends with "light".

Beyond the fundamental role of the mother in the construction of language and thought, this study shows that from the earliest moments of his life, the child thinks interacting with the language and communicate through thought. It's a little history of the egg and the chicken. No egg, no chicken. Without chicken, no egg. Without thought, not language. Without language, no thought.

Friday, January 14, 2011

#12 From Alabama Football

Incredible Tunisia

The incredible has happened. Ben Ali has finally decided to leave Tunisia, pushed by people - especially its youth - who were exhausted.

Having realized, since 1992 more than fifty missions in Tunisia, I admit that this possibility never seemed to become real. With my Tunisian friends, we gutters - yellow laughter - with each new re-election before the results staggering. In 2009, however, there was nothing to worry about for him: he had obtained only 89.62% of votes! All that was turned into a joke because we knew it was unfortunately not possible to do otherwise. Dare to openly criticize these results could turn against us.

Ben Ali was a dictator. Obviously. Yet I never had the sensation of going into a dictatorship. Except of course the fact that I never spoke of bin Ali with those whose beliefs and I was sure that the only way to tell was ironic. For the rest, I always find Tunisia a very open country. I remember attending a seminar where the actors of the educational system openly criticized certain actions of the Ministry of Education, in the presence of officials. They seemed particularly attentive, willing to improve the system according to Stories from the field. Tunisia is also one of the only countries I know who has taken drastic steps to move from an education system based on the selection and disposal system to a true education for all. The real opening, however, did not change anything to the truth of the plan.

Young Tunisians eventually defy the police and say aloud what they wanted. Several of them lost their lives. This suffering is unbearable. But at least she will have served some purpose.

We now go beyond this first victory. It is not won. While Prime Minister, Mohammed Gannouchi, proclaimed himself President ad interim, we already hear the cries "Gannouchi liberates! . These calls are probably legitimate: how the Prime Minister a dictator could he suddenly become a democrat?

There is little chance that the motion stops as if everything was now for the best in the best of all worlds. The demonstrations will continue. Hopefully they will not be followed by saber-rattling nauseating. The army does not seem to have quite taken sides. Will she keep on course, that of the people? What will he, on the other hand, fundamentalists? Will they not take the opportunity to try to win, to get involved in power? It was one of the great arguments of Ben Ali: he was the last bulwark against the fundamentalists! It was probably not entirely wrong (although this can justify in any way its dictatorship). Now that the regime falters, what will happen there?

Very clever one who would have the answers to these questions. The Tunisian people is facing his destiny. Hope exists. It happen. What seemed unthinkable just a few days ago has now happened. So all hope!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Best Anonymous Browsing Mac

The "idiots" who mourn

Belgium is over 200 days without government. European record. The world record is not too far (289 days in Iraq). It is therefore not surprising to see emerge at the moment and various citizens' movements that require virtual stop. Faced with these demands, Claude Semal - typically Belgian artist and high quality - felt good to write on his Facebook status with a some success elsewhere: "The idiots who cry for a government are the same ones who cry when they have one."

More than 100 people have "loved" this sentence without appeal ... and that's sad. Claude was probably right in thinking that many of those who now cry cry tomorrow. Is this a reason to treat them as fools and so the insult? My mom always taught me that when people talk behind the verb to be, should always be kind words! One may not agree with some, but not a reason to belittle them. Claude has probably also included. One comment he later wrote: "What seems silly is to claim" a government "without ever asking for the policy that it will apply". How different this comment on an action and his first language on people, on the edge of Poujadism (ouch, it's not going to like it)!

That said, I think he is wrong, even in this comment. This is not because we claim that our politicians are finally come to an agreement and form a government that is not interested in politics which will be implemented and we are ready to accept anything and everything. Belgium is a democratic state and there was an election - completely free, it must be stressed - where everyone could express their political expectations. It emerges from these elections that the Flemish and Francophone no longer quite the same vision. Flemish majority voting right, sometimes to the extreme. The French vote is mostly left, or rather toward the center. In addition to this classic cleavage, we know that the "logic ground" remains predominant in Flemish - which explains the massive vote for relatively nationalist parties - while the French remain in a "logic of the person."

The fact that the various negotiating parties fail to agree is fairly understandable, because - beyond the people and parties - there really are fundamental objections to a number of values. Practical problems arising from no lack of inaction in which we find ourselves after all is relatively consistent. This, however, everyone knows, including men and women politicians who are negotiating table. None of them manage to impose its conception. The agreement will inevitably be a compromise, unsatisfactory for everyone. It is this audacity then to have. Dare say we agree with a solution that is only partially satisfactory. As said another (we do not know that ... everyone has said), just five minutes of political courage.

When some people react - finally - at the lack of courage, they do not necessarily cry. They say they are fed up with wisdom and humor. I confess I am one of the few 78 000 campers who drew , in 3 days, their tents before the virtual 16, rue de la Loi (Prime Minister of Belgium) to demand that our politicians lead a government. Wild camping sites like this, I've known others, including Lebanon and Moldova. There, people were really into their tent and were risking their lives. We are in Belgium and we are only allowed one camping "virtual" or should I write "surreal"? I do not really think all these campers are "idiots" who weep. They are just citizens expressing their ras-le-bol, with dignity and humor.

Among them, it should probably be all political opinion. The fundamental question is of course to know what the government will fall into place and what policies it will lead. It will be again the result of a compromise related to the proportional system in Belgium. In France, a situation like that Belgium is currently living is unthinkable. Their majority system inevitably leads to a majority that imposes its views as it is in power. Is it better? I confess not to be persuaded. The Belgian concept of "compromise" seems devilishly interesting, truly democratic. Ultimately, everyone should be a little confusing. It is not yet "Ultimately". But it must be achieved. That's what all those "idiots" claim today. And they are right.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Indian Free Channel Frequency


between the "yes buts" of some and the "no but" of others, although Belgium must go to the obvious: there is more room for negotiation. And therefore no solution.

appreciation conciliator Vande Lanotte was inevitably a compromise. After so long, he had to lead to a document that takes into account the positions of each imperfectly. If everyone felt the same, there would obviously a government long ago. This, everyone knows and everyone knows that to get by, there is only one real issue: negotiate and accept that things are not quite the way we want.

Those who said "no, but" are clearly stigmatized, but their attitude is really different from those who said 'yes but'? Arguing that it needed amendments, clarifications, prerequisites, etc.. The speech is the same: "Our obsessions are not sufficiently present and they must be on! . In a compromise, they do make a text that resembles them, and thus where others find themselves less and less. How could we have any solution in the end? Some argue

now a change of partners and methods. Hopefully this leads to a better situation when we know that the positions are even more entrenched in so-called partners.

short, is there other than the impasse? The Lion, threatening growls and a cock, proud, sing! If only we could still drink a whole Gueuze!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cocktail Dresses 2010 Until 40 Dollars


FMG © 2011

At the mouth of the Scheldt , it is on one side Breskens and other Vlissingen, two small Dutch towns not devoid of charm. The distance between them is about 6 kilometers. For years, a ferry connected the two towns, carrying cars and trucks (for a small fee), but also bicycles and pedestrians (for free).

Since 2003, this association was abolished and replaced by the Westerschelde . The 6 miles became 60, with the toll for the tunnel. When is content to be on foot or bicycle, it is nevertheless always possible to crossing on a ferry smarter and faster. It does not have the same charm wild before, but when it gets too bright (albeit cold) today, it's not unpleasant. If it's only free, the return journey now costs EUR 4.60 per person, which is still cheap.

Whatever ... this trip always gives so much pleasure. For a small twenty minutes, you feel in another world, another rhythm, another truth. The rites of passage - with all their constraints whose meaning does not always clear - I was never too interested. They should be as simple as this passage: you walk a little, you climb some stairs, we sit and let yourself go with the slow pace of the ferry itself leaves gently rocked by waves silky. Without really realizing it, you get the other side: we get up as if nothing had happened, we descend a few steps and then walk long it takes.

If all crossings and passages were all so simple, it would help a lot of things. Here, no need for resolutions, parties or other forced challenges. Just happy to get to the other side! And even back by the same path. But in return, you feel different: one could go there and back, in the simplicity of the crossing.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

15 Year Old Mma Tournements

space between the blue cloud

FMG © 2011

Finally, it does not take much for the sun shows itself. In reality, just as the clouds let themselves go a bit to create space ... space between the blue sky!

From that moment, everything is permitted. Or rather, it is permissible to believe in everything. Even believing that the intricacies of life are a quiet river facing the sea

No matter where they are going eventually. The important thing is to believe. Believe that anything goes. Believe that anything is still possible. Believe that at the end of the night, there is still light. Believe that it is eternal.

It is not enough - of course - to be born space. It is also necessary to see and watch! Seek to examine that blue in it emerges. Give him the colors he deserves. Make this thin gap a glimmer of hope.

Above all, enjoy every ray savior. Getting lover, or even to lie. And enjoy. Savor every sign of recognition. Take it for what it is, without Gamberg. Bask.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Digital Playgrounds Movies Online


FMG © 2011

sometimes arise in the dark sparks of life. Such a burst ontological, they feed at night while in contrast. Through the sudden light, the night seems even darker yet. She earns a unique density and deep inviting to plunge by releasing all restraint.

Sparks are transient. Last night. They flutter from heart to heart, illuminate the dreams, pretend believing that they could persist in a dynamic eternity. Even when - lofty - they shine with their thousand flames, however they fail to break the force of the black night. It merely tolerate stardust. She knows that she alone remains and once extinguished, it will reign alone again and majestic.

The cinders are living elsewhere because the night spreads its mantle. In the light of day, they do not fit and do not seem to exist. This is because the darkness envelops the universe and seeps into the lower corners of the sparks conspicuous by their contradiction random.

The night ended - or so it is claimed - by disappearing. She keeps with her at the few flames that were able to believe could be overcome. The day came, there remains only the flickering flames and debris sneaky.

Soon the night comes, let it be pierced even by these useless stars who understood their futility. Some sometimes dare back in a few moments and artificial intelligence. Then they go out. It remains only at night.