Thursday, April 12, 2007

Milena Velba Y Nadine

TIPS - Warning before leaving a Web page

Often a user, carried by the spirit of navigation, click on a link when it is drafting a form that has not yet registered. It must then redo everything and ends up bitter.

Under Lotus Notes, when closing a form, the fat client has the thoughtfulness to warn the user that he should save his data before exiting. It is actually quite simple to do the same thing on the Web.

Detection of an amendment on Form
Before the warning, you'd better check that it is really worthwhile. A simple way is to rely on a field that will changed when a field was modified based on onChange event. This field of control need not be visible to the user so we can declare it as type "hidden" is:
  \u0026lt;input type = "hidden" name = "isChanged" id = "isChanged" value = "0">  

To change the field value, use a Javascript function which can be declared in a bookstore or simply in the "JS Header" of the mask.
This function may be of the form:
  formChange function () {
document.forms [0]. IsChanged.value = "1";}

can then call the function in the onChange event for each field that you want to control by adding:
  formChange ()  

Detecting the user exits the form
must declare the new event onbeforeunload. For this, the JS in the header mask, add
  window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;  
where confirmExit is a Javascript function to check whether to display the warning box but also to personalize the message a little .
  confirmExit function () {
if (document.forms [0]. IsChanged.value == '1 ')
return "You're making changes without saving them."
} The first condition to check whether it is useful to present the confirmation window by going to check the value of hidden field.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Trace Water Through The Body

Off-Topic - Idea read: "A Sunday with Garbo"

Once will not hurt, this has nothing to do with Lotus Domino, Ajax and other technologies known as "Web 2.0". Just a simple recommendation to read a book of short stories written by someone very close.

A Sunday with Garbo and other stories
Olivier Mony
Editions Confluence

"Chantaco Hemingway, Cocteau in Arcachon, shooting Hotel of the Americas Téchiné in Biarritz, this story brings to life the personalities of passage in the Southwest: writers, adventurers, movie stars, their locations, on beaches or in the citadels. "

On Amazon or all good bookshops.

the way, a little nod to Julien our famous expert Lotus Southwest.

PS: Olivier has received the award Hennessy Literary Journalism 2007. (Source: )

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Watch Cheaters Online Korean

TOOLS - Graphical representation of data Notes

A key demand of my users is the provision of charts using data in a Lotus Notes database.

Today there are many methods to do this through an applet or a servlet JAVA, CSS , using APIs or simply by exporting the data to a spreadsheet such as OpenOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel (or Lotus 123 for the nostalgic). But I find none of these solutions do not meet all needs, namely: simplicity, speed, maintainability, personalization.

The interface of Google Analytics (Statistics Tracker Web Access) has a graphical interface with multiple graphics of any kind that I find enjoyable. These graphs are generated thanks to the Adobe Flash. After much research I think I finally found the package management free Flash graphics: XML / SWF Chart .

The graph is generated from data supplied in XML and customization possibilities are endless. 20 types of charts are available, from simple bar graph graphics mixed through the 3D pie charts. The elements of graphics ARAMETERS through the XML file and the record is not only very clean but faster.

How to integrate XML / SWF Chart in a Lotus Domino

Step 1: Integration package
The package includes several SWF files.

  • Download the package website

  • Unzip the package

  • Add the files to the resources of your Notes database.

  • Be careful to reproduce the file tree by including the directory name (eg, from resources Notes rename arno.swf in charts_library / arno.swf)

Step 2: Preparation of the view to display the data to represent
In my example I consider that the data can hearth represented through a Notes view. It may also be based on calculated fields if the method described can not meet needs.
Data should be presented in the following XML format:


\u0026lt;string> title of my column \u0026lt;/ string> Value 1

\u0026lt;number> \u0026lt;number>

.. .

\u0026lt;number> Value No \u0026lt;number>

\u0026lt;/ row>

My view may thus have the following form:

  • 1st column - Title: \u0026lt;row>, Value: "\u0026lt;row>"

  • 2nd column - Title: \u0026lt;null/>, Value: "\u0026lt;string>" champ_titre + + "\u0026lt;/ string>"

  • third column - Intilué: Title \u0026lt;string> Value 1 \u0026lt;/ string> , Value: "\u0026lt;number>" + @ text (champ_valeur1) + "\u0026lt;/ number>"

  • ...

  • last column - Title: \u0026lt;/ row> Value: "\u0026lt;/ row>"

data view should not be interpreted by the engine Domino. It is therefore essential to check the option "Treat contenucomme HTML" from the Advent last properties tab of the view.

Step 3: The mask of view
is the mask associated with the view that we can define all the options the graphic representation. To know all these options I can only recommend to consult the help comprehensive available on the site. I do not give a configuration Mimale here to view a chart.

  1. Create a mask named: $ $ for ViewTemplate nom_de_ma_vue_précédemment_créée

  2. Show: \u0026lt;chart>

  3. Add: \u0026lt;chart_type> type of chart you want \u0026lt;/ CHART_TYPE>

  4. Add integrated view as your view previously created

  5. Add at the end: \u0026lt;/ chart>

  6. Since the second tab of properties the mask indicate access Web \\ Content Type \\ Other: text / xml

Step 4: Integration of graphics into a Web page
To add the graphic into a page, enter the following code:
  \u0026lt;OBJECT classid = "clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase = 

" # version = 6.0 , 0.0 "

WIDTH =" 400 "HEIGHT =

" 270 "id =

" charts "

ALIGN =" ">

\u0026lt;PARAM NAME = movie VALUE =" charts.swf? openfileresource & library_path = = charts_library & xml_source nom_de_ma_vue ">

<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>

<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#eeeeee>

<EMBED src="charts.swf?openfileresource&library_path=charts_library&xml_source=nom_de_ma_vue?openview"










\u0026lt;/ EMBED>

\u0026lt;/ OBJECT>

You can see an example online and download a Notes database containing an example a little more complete (For Lotus Notes 7 + for now)

It is also worth noting that the site offers two other packages that seem interresting or at least amusing:

  • XML / SWF Gauge: to create counter graphics

  • XML / SWF Slideshow: to create animations reactive

I have not yet had time to test these two applications.