Thursday, September 14, 2006

Green Green Episode 13 Uncensored Mp4

GOOGLE API - Google Maps Some additional

I just discovered two new features offered by version 2 of the Google Maps API, geotagging from a postal address and boxes of information among multiple tabs.

Geolocation from a mailing address

I had already proposed a solution to find the location a place from its mailing address in one of the first posts of this blog. The two potential problems with the method described was:
  1. the obligation to separate each component of the address (street, city and country)
  2. using a free service provided continuity
These two problems are solved thanks to the Google Geocoder Maps.

One of the easiest ways to get the coordinates of an address is to send an HTTP request with the following format: = csv & key = abcdefg 
  • q = : enter the desired address in URL format. Example: square + concord + paris + France
  • output = : response format. It may be mentioned xml, kml, json or csv if required. Csv format is the easiest to treat because it returns only four numbers separated by commas in income.
  • key =: key Google Maps
  • your
As indicated, the CSV returns a response in the form of four numbers corresponding to the response status (200 if all goes well), the zoom level, latitude and longitude.

Several tabs in the box details

I presented how quickly add information bubble on the map using GoogleMaps marker.openInfoWindowHtml (bubble); .
To add a dialog box with several tab just use marker.openInfoWindowTabsHtml (Infotab) having previously defined Infotab like this:
  Infotab var = [
new GInfoWindowTab ("Title Tab 1", "Content tab 1"), new
GInfoWindowTab ("Title Tab 2", "Content Tab 2")


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