Why such beauty?
As far back as I remember, I never liked the snow. This is probably due to two events : Very young, there was a finger crushed by a sledge with sharp steel blade. In fact, I do not know if it was my finger or my brother, but until then I had trouble understanding that the pleasures of winter could be associated with suffering. A few years later, there was a great battle of snow-balls in the early evening. One of them came on my face, right in my eye. It was only later that I noticed that the glass they had remained in the ball! As incredible as it is, I found the next morning, my glass eye! But I was definitely disgusted. Since then became conductor of both vehicles with 4 or 2 wheels, I discovered the disadvantages - to use a neutral term - snowfall Blocker.
short, I do not like it. So why is it so beautiful? Results ride around and around the house ... It is discouraging, right?
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